Error Detection Nouns and Pronouns Exercise Part-1 English Grammar


01. INCORRECT - We have received no Information’s.
01. CORRECT - We have received no Information.

02. INCORRECT - Politics are not meant for me.
02. CORRECT - Politics are not meant for me.

03. INCORRECT - He was troubled by this news.
03. CORRECT - He was troubled by this news.

04. INCORRECT - We saw beautiful scrivener in Kashmir.
04. CORRECT -  We saw beautiful scenery in Kashmir.

05. INCORRECT - I will take care of your luggage’s.
05. CORRECT - I will take care of your luggage.

06. INCORRECT - Gymnastics are given a lot of importance in our school.
06. CORRECT - Gymnastics is given a lot of importance in our school.

07. INCORRECT - There were no breads in the shop.
07. CORRECT - There were no bread in the shop.

08. INCORRECT - We have bought some new furniture’s.
08. CORRECT - We have bought some new furniture.

09. INCORRECT - Please excuse the troubles.
09. CORRECT - Please excuse me for the trouble.

10. INCORRECT - The blinds need our support.
10. CORRECT - The blind need our support.

11. INCORRECT - He was overcome by the misery of the poor’s.
11. CORRECT - He was overcome by the misery of the poor.

12. INCORRECT - The cattle’s are a nuisance on our streets.
12. CORRECT - The cattle are a nuisance on our streets.

13. INCORRECT - I have had my meals.
13. CORRECT - I have had my meal.

14. INCORRECT - My family members will join me soon.
14. CORRECT - My family will join me soon.

15. INCORRECT - He had been to his mother’s-in-law house.
15. CORRECT - He had been to his mother-in-law‘s house.

16. INCORRECT - Her hairs are brown.
16. CORRECT - Her hair are brown.

17. INCORRECT - She is good at mathematics.
17. CORRECT - She is good at mathematics.

18. INCORRECT - He has received his transfer order.
18. CORRECT - He has received his transfer orders.

19. INCORRECT - Summons have been served on the defaulters.
19. CORRECT - Summons has been served on the defaulters.

20. INCORRECT - I have come to pay my respect to my teacher.
20. CORRECT - I have come to pay my respects to my teacher. 

21. INCORRECT - He has received only a two-third of his pay.
21. CORRECT - He has received only a two-thirds of his pay.

22. INCORRECT - He brought me three dozen oranges.
22. CORRECT - He brought me three dozen oranges.

23. INCORRECT - He is a good neighbored.
23. CORRECT - He is a good neighbor.

24. INCORRECT - There is no place in this compartment.
24. CORRECT - There is no room in this compartment.

25. INCORRECT - My sister is taking part in the drama.
25. CORRECT - My sister is taking part in the play.

26. INCORRECT - We had a good play of cricket.
26. CORRECT - We had a good game of cricket.

27. INCORRECT - There were jokers at the circus.
27. CORRECT - There were clowns at the circus.

28. INCORRECT - We have been asked to memorize the poetry.
28. CORRECT - We have been asked to memorize the poem.

29. INCORRECT - She came to his boarding.
29. CORRECT - She came to his boarding house.

30. INCORRECT - He asked me for a piece of blotting.
30. CORRECT - He asked me for a piece of blotting paper.

31. INCORRECT - He was writing it out in his copy.
31. CORRECT - He was writing it out in his notebook.

32. INCORRECT - They had only two waiting members in their team.
32. CORRECT - They had only two reserves in their team.

33. INCORRECT - This is the fruit of my father's good advice's.
33. CORRECT - This is the fruit of my father's good advice.

34. INCORRECT - Athletics are his favorite sport.
34. CORRECT - Athletics is his favorite sport.

35. INCORRECT - She forgot to bring her scissor.
35. CORRECT - She forgot to bring her scissors.

36. INCORRECT - You must start eating fruits daily.
36. CORRECT - You must start eating fruit daily.

37. INCORRECT - I have been advised to eat a lot of green vegetables.
37. CORRECT - I have been advised to eat a lot of green vegetable.

38. INCORRECT - My grandmother does not wear spectacle.
38. CORRECT - My grandmother does not wear spectacles.

39. INCORRECT - He is a supporter of land reform.
39. CORRECT - He is a supporter of land reforms.

40. INCORRECT - He forgot to wash his trouser.
40. CORRECT - He forgot to wash his trousers.


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