
Showing posts with the label 10th class

Poem- 7 Where The Mind is Without Fear (Poet-Rabindranath Tagore)

Poetry Section Class X  Main Course (English Reader) Poem- 7 Where The Mind is Without Fear (Poet-Rabindranath Tagore) Note- Please Seek The Help of Your Teacher. Q. 1. What is the theme or the central/main idea of the poem? Or Write a summary of the poem in your own words? Ans. The poem gives us a lovely message. The poet prays for his country. He prays for his countrymen. He wants his countrymen to live without fear.

Poem-6 Razia, The Tigress

Poetry Section Class X  Main Course (English Reader) Poem- 6  Razia, the Tigress (Poet-Keki N Daruwalla) Note- Please Seek The Help of Your Teacher. Q. 1. What is the theme or the central/main idea of the poem? Or Write a summary of the poem in your own words? The poem gives us a message that Man is killing wildlife. Animals are our friends. We should not kill them. We should save the forests. This is very beautiful poem.

Return To Air Lesson-8 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 8 English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader) Return To Air SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (25-30 WORDS) Note- Please Seek The Help of Your Teacher. Q. 1. Why was the boy called ‘Sausage’? Ans. Because he was very fat. Q. 2. Why did the boy not like diving? Ans. His eyesight was weak. He had to remove his glasses for diving. Q. 3. What is duck-diving? How is it taught? Ans. It means to dive into the water like a duck. A brick is thrown into the water and the diver is asked to bring it out. Q. 4. What happened to Sausage when he tried dick-diving the first time? Ans. He was very afraid at first time. Q. 5. Why couldn’t Sausage see inside the water? Ans. Sausage had weak eyesight. He had to remove his glasses for diving. Q. 6. Why did the water change colours? How did it change colours? Ans. The water change colours at the depth. It changed from to blackish. Q. 7. Was Sausage sure that he would not come

How Much Land Does a Man Need? Lesson-7 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 7 English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader) How Much Land Does a Man Need? SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (25-30 WORDS) Note- Please Seek The Help of Your Teacher. Q. 1. What did the two women discuss? Were they related to each other? Ans. The two women discussed about the town life and village life. They were sister. Q. 2. What did one woman say in defense or rural life? What was the counter argument? Ans. She said that rural life is free from worries.  Q. 3. Pakhom listened to the women’s chatter. He stared brooding and reached a conclusion. What was the conclusion? Ans. He reached the conclusion if he had enough land his life would be free from worries. Q. 4. When the Devil heard Pakhom’s musings, what did he decide? Ans. The Devil decided to give Pakhom enough land and get him in his power. Q. 5. The estate-owner, on whose land Pakhom was tenant, sold her land. Who bought the land? Ans. His neighbors bought fift

The Dying Detective Lesson-5 Question Answer

The Dying Detective Class X Lesson – 5 English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader) SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (25-30 WORDS) Q.1. Who was Mrs. Hudson? Why did she go to Watson’s house? Ans. Mrs. Hudson was a land lady. She went to bring Watson. Q. 2. Where did Holmes get the illness from? When did he get it? Ans. Holmes get the illness from Chinese sailors. He got it when he was working on a case. Q. 3. What was Holmes’s condition when Watson saw him? Ans. Holmes looked very ill. Q. 4. Why did Holmes not let Watson examine him? Ans. Holmes was pretending to be ill. Q. 5. Till when was Watson asked to stay in Homes’ house? Ans. Watson was asked to stay till six o’clock. Q. 6. Why did Holmes not let Watson touch his things? What did Watson think about Holmes then? Ans. There was a poisonous spring in a box. Watson thought that Holmes was really very sick. Q. 7. What did Holmes ask Watson to do before leaving his room? Ans. H

Poem 5 - A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh (Poet- Sir Henry Newbolt)

Poetry Section Class X  Main Course (English Reader) Poem 5 -  A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh  (Poet- Sir Henry Newbolt) Note- Please Seek The Help of Your Teacher. Q. 1. What is the theme or the central/main idea of the poem? Or Write a summary of the poem in your own words? Ans. The poem gives us a message that castes are manmade. No one is high or low by caste. All men are same before God. This is very beautiful poem.

One Thousand Dollars Lesson-4 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 4 English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader) One Thousand Dollars SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (25-30 WORDS)  Note- Please Seek The Help of Your Teacher. Q. 1. Who gave $ 1,000 to Robert Gillian? Who did the money belong to? Why was it given to him? Ans. Lawyer Tolman gave him $ 1,000. The money belonged to Robert’s uncle. His uncle had left him this money in his will. Q. 2. Why was Bobby Gillian not happy with the money given to him? Ans. Because it was very small amount of money. Q. 3. What was the condition laid down by the lawyer? Ans. Bobby would have to give the spending detail o f 1,000 dollars. Q. 4. Who else go the money and how much? Ans. The butler, The housekeeper and Miss Hayden got money. Each of them got ten dollars. Q. 5. Why was Old Bryson not serious in giving suggestions to Gillian ? What were the suggestions given? Ans. Because Bryson did not like him. He suggested him to buy a home, to give milk t

Half a Rupee Worth Lesson-3 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 3 English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader) Half a Rupee Worth EXAMINATION-STYLE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (25-30 WORDS) Note- Please Seek The Help of Your Teacher. Q. 1. How did Subbiah manage to get rice during the drought? Ans. He went village to village and collected rice. He would sell it at a very high rate and earn huge profits. Q. 2. Those were the days when Subbiah loathed the rice bags. Which were those days? Why did the dislike the rice then? Ans. He loathed rice bags in his childhood. He disliked rice because he did not want to stay in shop. Q. 3. What is the meaning of the statement: ‘Rice was in his blood.’? Ans. He knew all about rice. Q. 4. How did Subbiah’s profits increase during the war? Did he follow the rules laid down by the government? How did he tackle the officers? Ans. He sold the rice at high rates. He did not follow the rules. He bribed the officer. Q. 5.  Besides selling rice, what else did Subbiah do to

The Rule of The Road Lesson-9 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 9 THE RULE OF THE ROAD SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (15-20 WORDS) NOTE-Please seek the help of your Teacher Q. 1. Why was the shout old lady walking down the middle of the road? Ans. Because she thought that she had liberty to walk anywhere. Q. 2. How was the stout lady mistaken about liberty? Ans. She thought that she had liberty to do anything. Q. 3. What does the policeman at Picadilly Circus symbolize? Ans. The policeman symbolizes liberty, not tyranny. Q. 4. Can we do whatever we feel like doing? Ans. No, we cannot do whatever we feel like doing. Q. 5. What was the writer reading during the journey? Ans. The writer was reading 'Blue Book' during the journey. Q. 6. Why did the writer need a reasonable silence in the compartment? Ans. Because he was reading a ‘Blue Book’. Q. 7. Who disturbed the author on the train? Ans. A passenger disturbed him in the train. Q. 8. What was the intruding passenger

The Making of The Earth Lesson-8 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 8 THE MAKING OF THE EARTH SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (15-20 WORDS) NOTE-Please seek the help of your Teacher   Q. 1. What are planets? Ans. The heavenly bodies that move round the sun are called planets. Q. 2. Define solar system? Ans. The sun, its planets, all the satellites and stars are making a family which is called solar system. Q. 3. How can you distinguish between planets and stars? Ans. Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle. Q. 4. Why do the Stars twinkle ? Ans. The rays of stars pass through many layers of atmosphere. Q. 5. How was the earth formed? Ans. A bit of sun shot out and became earth. It started to cool. Q. 6. How were the oceans and seas formed? Ans. After the earth cooled down the rain filled all the hollows on the earth. Thus, the ocean and seas were formed. LONG- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (30-50 WORDS) The Making of the Earth Q. 1. Write a short note on the making of the

The Home Coming Lesson-7 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 7 THE HOME COMING SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (15-20 WORDS) NOTE-Please seek the help of your Teacher   Q. 1. Who was Phatik? Ans. Phatik was 14years old boy. He was ringleader of naughty boys. Q. 2. What was new mischief he thought of? Ans. He planned to roll away the log of wood into the river. Q. 3. Why were Phatik and his friends annoyed with Makhan? Ans. Because Makhan refused to obey Phatik. Q. 4. What was Phatik’s new manoeuvre’? Ans. He planned to roll the log and Makhan over together. Q. 5. Why did Phatik beat Makhan even in the presence of his mother? Ans. Because Makhan lied his mother. Q. 6. Was Makhan speaking the truth? Ans. No, he was not speaking the truth. Q. 7. Why did Phatik’s mother want to send him away to her brother’s house? Ans. He beat Makhan one day. His mother was worried about Phatik  behaviors . Q. 8. How was Phatik received by his aunt?  Ans. His aunt was not happy to see hi

Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thought and Practice Lesson-6 Question Answer

SOME GLIMPSES OF ANCIENT INDIAN THOUGHT AND PRACTICE SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (15-20 WORDS) Class XLesson – 6 Q. 1. What caused desperation to the gods? Ans. In the war of gods and demons, gods were losing in war. That caused desperation to the gods. Q. 2. Who did the gods go to in desperation? Ans. They went to ‘Lord Vishnu’. Q. 3. What did the Lord advise them? Ans. The lord advised them to make a sword from the bones of some great saint. Q. 4. What was the sacrifice of Saint Dadhichi? Ans. He laid down his life to defeat demons. Q. 5. What is the real spirit behind the 'yajnas' performed in our homes? Ans. The real spirit behind ‘yajnas’ is that of detachment. Q. 6. What does the tradition of feeding birds and animals prove? Ans. It proves that people of India believe in the unity of life. Q.7. Why does some scholars laugh at Ashtavakra? Ans. They laugh at Ashtavakra’s deformed body. Q. 8. How did Ashtavakra rea

The Gift for Christmas Lesson-4 Question Answer

Class X Lesson – 4 THE GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (15-20 WORDS) NOTE-Please seek the help of your Teacher Q. 1. Why was Della crying? Ans. She did not have money to buy a gift for Jim. Q. 2. Describe the poverty of Della’s house? Ans. Her husband Jim was a poor fallow. His income was small that their expenses. Q. 3. What type of present had Della planned for Jim? Ans. Della had planned a special gift for Jim. Q. 4. What were the two prized possessions of Jim and Della? Ans. Jim’s gold watch and Della’s beautiful long hair were the two prized possessions. Q. 5. Describe the present Della bought for Jim. Ans. Della bought a platinum watch chain for Jim. Q. 6. How did Della manage to buy the gift? Ans. Della sold her beautiful long hair for 20 Dollars and bought the gift. Q. 7. What did she think when she looked herself in the mirror? Ans. She felt nervous. She thought for Jim’s reaction. Q. 8. What was Jim

Secret of happiness Lesson-3 Question Answer

CLASS X  LESSON – 3 SECRET OF HAPPINESS SHORT- ANSWER TYPE TEXTUAL QUESTIONS (30-50 WORDS) NOTE-Please seek the help of your Teacher Q. 1. Which is the greatest day in any individual’s life? Ans. The greatest day is when one begins to realize Himself. Q. 2. What enthralled the student in the Psychology class? Ans. He enthralled to learn about the failure of average man . Q. 3. Did the boy Change as a result of the realizations? Ans. Yes, he changed to a potential success. Q. 4. What is there in the personality of every man? Ans. An unused power is there in the personality of every man. Q. 5. How can weak personalities become strong? Ans. Weak personalities can become strong by used their spiritual power. Q. 6. What would Chesterton preach if he had just one sermon to deliver? Ans. He would preach against fear. Q. 7. What are the difficult types of fear experienced by the people? Ans.  They experience the fear of ill health, losing mo

Bed Number -29 Lesson - 2 Question-Answer

Class X English Literature Book (Supplementary Reader) Lesson – 2 Bed Number -29 (Tariq Rahman) Examination-Style Textual Questions (25-30 Words) NOTE- Please seek the help of your teacher Q. 1. How did the author of ‘Bed No.29’ lose his eyesight? Ans. He met with an accident and lost his eyesight. Q. 2. What did the author of ‘Bed No.29’ do before he lost his eyesight? Ans. The author was a Painter. Q. 3. Who did the author of ‘Bed No.29’ meet in the hospital ward? Why was he there? Ans. The author met Naeem in the hospital ward. Naeem was also Blind. Q. 4. When did the author regain his confidence and  how? Ans. He regained his confidence when Naeem consoled him. Q. 5. What happened when the author’s second operation failed? Who consoled him then? Ans. The author became sad. Naeem consoled him. Q. 6. How did the author of ‘Bed No.29’ get the money to get operated the third time? Who helped him? Ans. He got money by selling his paintings. N

Poem 3 - Death the Leveller (Poet- James Shirley)

Poetry Section Class X Main Course (English Reader) Poem 3 - Death the Leveller (Poet- James Shirley) Q. 1. What is the theme or the central/main idea of the poem? Or Write a summary of the poem in your own words? Ans. The poem gives us a message that death is a great leveller . All have to how before death. Death comes to all. All are same before death. It is very beautiful poem. Q. 2 What lesson do you get from this poem?   Ans. Death spares none. It reduces everyone to dust. It treats the mighty and the weak equally, Therefore, it is useless to boast of one’s power or wealth. Only our good actions remain after our death. So, we should always be just in our actions.   Q. 3 What does the expression ‘scythe and spade’ stand for?   Ans. The given expression stands for the poor peasants and  labourers . These people become equal with the kings in death. Death makes no difference between them and the kings .   Q. 4 Do the conquerors tame death or the dead?  

Poem 2 - Character of a Happy Man (Poet- Sir Henry Wotton)

Poetry Section Class X Main Course (English Reader) Poem 2 - Character of a Happy Man (Poet- Sir Henry Wotton) Q. 1. Write a note on the central/main idea of the poem? Or Write a summary of the poem in your own words? Ans. The poem gives us a message that a truly happy man is honest. He is truthful. He has deep faith in God. This is very beautiful poem.

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