Error Detection Nouns and Pronouns Exercise Part-1 English Grammar
NOUNS AND NOUN PHRASES 01. INCORRECT - We have received no Information’s. 01. CORRECT - We have received no Information. 02. INCORRECT - Politics are not meant for me. 02. CORRECT - Politics are not meant for me. 03. INCORRECT - He was troubled by this news. 03. CORRECT - He was troubled by this news. 04. INCORRECT - We saw beautiful scrivener in Kashmir. 04. CORRECT - We saw beautiful scenery in Kashmir. 05. INCORRECT - I will take care of your luggage’s. 05. CORRECT - I will take care of your luggage. 06. INCORRECT - Gymnastics are given a lot of importance in our school. 06. CORRECT - Gymnastics is given a lot of importance in our school. 07. INCORRECT - There were no breads in the shop. 07. CORRECT - There were no bread in the shop. 08. INCORRECT - We have bought some new furniture’s. 08. CORRECT - We have bought some new furniture. 09. INCORRECT - Please excuse the troubles. 09. CORRECT - Please excuse me for the trouble. 10. INCORRECT - The blinds need our support. 10. CORRECT -